
We went to the Discover the Dinosaurs event in Wausau was a bit of a let down for the price but the first several dinosaur exhibits were cool so I had to share the photos.

We paid $45 to get in the door only to discover that there was a whole other area that you needed to buy a wristband (or tickets) to get into.  Luckily as we were walking in a lady was walking out and gave us her daughter's wristband (worth $20) to use...muttering under her breath that her daughter didn't even do anything.  Happy to not have paid the additional twenty bucks because it was all cheesy stuff. Getting a photo in a dinosaurs mouth, riding a dinosaur (moving slowly back and forth, jumping in a bouncy house that had a picture of a dinosaur on it or sliding down some air filled slides wasn't really worth it to us.  We left promising Zoey that someday we would take her to a real dinosaur museum.  :) It wasn't all for naught though, after our somewhat of a misadventure we did a bit of shopping (at Old Navy and Pet Smart!) and then headed out to eat at the Olive Garden restaurant and all was good again.  The highlight of the day?  Getting to see a Winter Dwarf Hamster at the pet store!  

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