First Day of Fifth Grade


It's hard to believe, but she is in fifth grade this year...time has flown by.  I say that every year but for some reason fifth grade seems pretty huge compared to the rest.  

For her, this year means that she is in a different school with different teachers and the potential to make some new and different friends.  I've been so nervous about this all summer but she's been completely fine.  Excited about it in fact.

She is the bravest girl I know. 

Drop-off this morning went splendidly, she was ready to go and as we walked in to the school she was waving at people and saying hello.  Sometimes I wonder how it is that we ended up raising such a fun and happy little girl that has the confidence like she does...we have and here she is, embracing new opportunities as they come.

Walking into her new school this morning I was so tickled and happy to leave her there.  It seems to be filled with good energy for learning and embracing ones uniqueness.  There is a sense of community (she has a super small multi-age class within a charter school) and I am so excited to see what opportunities come her way this year.

At pick-up this afternoon she was bubbling over with all sorts of information.  She's in a Spanish class, she learned how to play Gaga ball and she met new friends, she doesn't have to sit in a desk but rather can sit on bouncy balls or beanbag chairs.  They will be doing science experiments every Thursday!!  :) She's pretty excited!

I am feeling so relieved this afternoon with her initial "report" of how things went. So happy that we made the choice to switch schools for her...I think it was the right thing for her to ensure her love of learning.  

I can't wait to get tomorrow's report.  

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